Simpson Wiki en Español

Treehouse of Horror Comics es una serie de cómics de Los Simpson, análoga a los episodios de terror Treehouse of Horror.


Los cómics de esta serie fueron llamados en primera instancia "Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror" hasta la decimotercera entrega, en la que pasó a llamarse "The Simpson's Treehouse of Horror". En la cuarta entrega tuvo también el nombre de "Bart Simpson's Milhouse of Horror" y en la vigésima "The Simpson's Treehouse of Zombies!".

Comics en español[]

Han salido varias ediciones en español, incluidos como parte de la serie Simpsons Comics y publicados en forma aleatoria.

Todos los números[]

Treehouse of Horror Comics 1
Treehouse of Horror Comics 2
Treehouse of Horror Comics 3
Treehouse of Horror Comics 4
Treehouse of Horror Comics 1
Treehouse of Horror Comics 2
Treehouse of Horror Comics 3
Treehouse of Horror Comics 4
Treehouse of Horror Comics 5
Treehouse of Horror Comics 6
Treehouse of Horror Comics 7
Treehouse of Horror Comics 8
Treehouse of Horror Comics 5
Treehouse of Horror Comics 6
Treehouse of Horror Comics 7
Treehouse of Horror Comics 8
Treehouse of Horror Comics 9
Treehouse of Horror Comics 10
Treehouse of Horror Comics 11
Treehouse of Horror Comics 12
Treehouse of Horror Comics 9
Treehouse of Horror Comics 10
Treehouse of Horror Comics 11
Treehouse of Horror Comics 12
Treehouse of Horror Comics 13
Treehouse of Horror Comics 14
Treehouse of Horror Comics 15
Treehouse of Horror Comics 16
Treehouse of Horror Comics 13
Treehouse of Horror Comics 14
Treehouse of Horror Comics 15
Treehouse of Horror Comics 16
Treehouse of Horror Comics 17
Treehouse of Horror Comics 18
Treehouse of Horror Comics 19
Treehouse of Horror Comics 20
Treehouse of Horror Comics 17
Treehouse of Horror Comics 18
Treehouse of Horror Comics 19
Treehouse of Horror Comics 20
Treehouse of Horror Comics 21

Treehouse of Horror Comics 21

v · e

v · e Treehouse of Horror Comics

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23
